listen to this blog:
Hey you, on your phone
I’ve got a hot take
Something to consider while you anxiously wait
For the next brick to fall or the big earthquake
You know, the long list of fears that you eat on your plate
When no one is looking, instead of home cooking
We’re scrolling and trolling and losing our footing
So lets you and me, take a breath and explore,
Let the masks that we wear all fall to the floor.
Let’s not get triggered. I mean the everyday masks
We wear when we fear laughs at the questions we ask
It’s for protection, I know, it can be rather scary
To bare yourself to the world, now that takes bravery.
Be yourself, so they say, but curiosity kills the cat,
It’s cliché this old way to stop you from questioning quacks
And when I say quack I want to be clear
That I’m talking about people who get too severe
When we start to speak up or step out of the box
The ones that storm off and leave us in shock
Alone with the holes that they burned with their absence
So we build up these walls, we add to the madness.
And instead of addressing
The root of the stressing
And counting our blessings
We’re second-guessing ourselves…
Is it worth it ?
I can only speak for me,
But when I second guess the voice who agrees
With the black sheep mentality
I fall on my face.
And though I do it with grace
Sometimes I don’t learn,
So I live it again and again and again
Until I finally say when
By listening to that voice who never dares shout
The one that has power to alchemize my doubts.
Look around and tell me what you see
Division, precision, conspiracy
Everyone’s taking sides and escaping their lives
Forgetting themselves to fight “the good fight”
And for what I may ask?
Marching just keeps you in line.
If you want to see change, there are fires to ignite.
No not ones that wreck havoc or stir up the pot
The fire you’ve got in your heart and forgot.
This fire is love in its purest form.
It’s tolerant, kind, unconditional.
And it can only been found when you put in the work
On yourself, not your job or net worth.
You know you’re different, it’s why you try to fit in;
I’ve been there before, and there’s no way to win.
Each soul on this earth is here for a purpose
The answers we seek aren’t found on the surface
They’re not in our newsfeeds, on our TVs or phones
They’re found deep inside when we’re finally alone
Feeling into our solitude, facing our fears
Reliving our traumas, and freeing our tears.
And then there’s a period when we are aware
Still scared of the unknown, of being so bare but
We’re human, you know?
We’re always evolving.
Without personal changes, though we are not solving
Any problems that we think are killing this planet.
So no more living on a loop. No more taking life for granted.
What if I told you there was no conspiracy?
No bad guys... just us being our worst enemies.
All the distractions and reasons we make up in our heads
Follow us on our phones, even sleep in our beds.
We can’t catch a break, can’t even eat a steak
Without that one vegan friend sharing memes of our fate.
Everyone has a cause, and a story that’s worthy
Yet instead of acting from love, we love good controversy
And it keeps us divided, at odds, in a daze
Unable to keep our hearts’ fires ablaze
The human condition dictates we make choices
And it’s hard to stay true in a world full of voices
Who are oh so compelling, influential and cool
But does following them make you feel more you?
What do you do?
Where are you from?
Do you stay up all night?
Do you rise with the sun?
Do you judge yourself for your answers above?
I don’t. So tell me, why so blue?
If you don’t accept yourself how will anyone accept you?
See, it’s no crime to be selfish, so long as no harm you do,
And when your cup is full you can fill others’ too
So as the world tears in half, know this:
You don’t have to pick a side,